Narcissist are Self-Serving

When everything is down a person who genuinely cares for you will be there for you.

because you need it.

A narcissist however will only be there for you..

because they need it.

They need to feed on drama to promote their fake persona of always being a good person

but there is no follow through. A narcissist will only do it to build your debt of obligation to them.

None of the scenarios in which a narcissist will actually help you with your needs involved

you’re just an opportunity to be capitalized on.

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I'm Lisa Sonni

A certified Relationship Coach with seven certifications in trauma treatment, danger assessment, and relationship coaching. Author of four books and co-host of the top-rated Breaking Free from Narcissistic Abuse podcast, I help survivors worldwide heal from narcissistic abuse, trauma bonds, and reclaim their personal power.


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Lisa Sonni

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