10 Reasons We Stay in an Abusive Relationship

1. Society normalizes unhealthy behavior so we might not even realize that we’re in an abusive relationship.

2. Emotional abuse destroys your self-esteem so it feels impossible for a new start.

3. The Cycle of Abuse It always includes makeup after a fight. Because of that cycle, we minimize abusive behavior.

4. It can be dangerous to leave Dangerous like they might try to unalive you.

5. Blind loyalty Society perpetuates this ride-or-die mentality.

6. Victims often feel responsible for their abuser or their behavior. Because of gaslighting, we often feel like it’s our fault.

7. Victims often feel like if they stick it out, things might change. You think that your abuser will change if you can just love them enough .

8. Social pressure to be in the perfect relationship.

9. Fear of how others will react. Victims feel embarrassment and shame for ever having been in an abusive relationship.

10. You share a life together. Marriage, kids, finances. Abusers will often always control the finances to prevent your from leaving.

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I'm Lisa Sonni

A certified Relationship Coach with seven certifications in trauma treatment, danger assessment, and relationship coaching. Author of four books and co-host of the top-rated Breaking Free from Narcissistic Abuse podcast, I help survivors worldwide heal from narcissistic abuse, trauma bonds, and reclaim their personal power.


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