Cutting ties with a Narcissist

Here’s how you can do it.

Go no contact. No texting, No phone calls, No seeing them in person, No going where they are, No creeping their social media. “NO CONTACT”.

On one hand it seems really easy right? simple! BUT in practice we know that is really difficult.

Too many of us go in this no contact situation and thinking they we’re basically gotta go cold turkey and not talk to our abuser anymore no matter how hard we want to. Our plan is gotta “be strong”?


You can’t even call that a plan at all.


Do something like this. What am I going to do on a Friday night at 11 o’clock when I am feeling weak.

running out of ideas?


If you haven’t figured out what to do in that specific situation then you will fail in that situation.

What you need is a plan and a support system.

#nocontact #narcissist #narcissisticabuse

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I'm Lisa Sonni

A certified Relationship Coach with seven certifications in trauma treatment, danger assessment, and relationship coaching. Author of four books and co-host of the top-rated Breaking Free from Narcissistic Abuse podcast, I help survivors worldwide heal from narcissistic abuse, trauma bonds, and reclaim their personal power.


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Lisa Sonni

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