An abuser will demand privacy

“Stop talking shit about me to your friends.”

In a healthy relationship dynamic, you wouldn’t tell your friends what an awful partner you have. Your partner is fundamentally good, and you just got into an argument.

But abusers will try to have you apply that logic to your relationship with them. An abusive one.This is an isolation tactic. An abuser benefits from you not having a support system.

They benefit from from you not having any outside perspective other than theirs. If you aren’t talking to friends and family, then you’ll never know that they’re abusive.

All you’ll hear is them telling you that they’re not abusive and that you’re the problem. Abusers do not get the right to privacy.They lose the right to privacy. You need support.

And while therapy can be one of the best places to get support, let’s not pretend that all therapists are trained in abuse, domestic violence or narcissism.

Learn more about The Trauma Bond Recovery Course.

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I'm Lisa Sonni

A certified Relationship Coach with seven certifications in trauma treatment, danger assessment, and relationship coaching. Author of four books and co-host of the top-rated Breaking Free from Narcissistic Abuse podcast, I help survivors worldwide heal from narcissistic abuse, trauma bonds, and reclaim their personal power.


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Lisa Sonni

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